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fire risk assessment for communal areas fire safety certificate

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As the Responsible Person, you are now required to comprehensively document and record various aspects of fire safety:

  1. Recording Findings: All Responsible Persons must document their fire risk assessment findings, irrespective of premises size or purpose, eliminating the previous requirement only for certain buildings.

  2. Fire Safety Arrangements: Record your fire safety arrangements, encompassing procedures and policies managing fire safety within your building.

  3. Identity of Assessors: Responsible Persons must now record the identity of individuals undertaking or reviewing the fire risk assessment, ensuring transparency with full names and organizational details.

  4. Cooperation and Coordination: Maintain a UK-based address for receiving notices, share this information with relevant parties, and identify and acquaint yourself with other Responsible Persons at the same premises.

  5. Transition of Responsibilities: Departing Responsible Persons must share relevant fire safety information with incoming Responsible Persons to ensure continuity in fire safety practices.

  6. Higher-Risk Buildings: For higher-risk buildings, the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) will oversee regulation from October 1, 2023. Responsible Persons must identify and cooperate with the Accountable Person, a new legal entity under the Building Safety Act 2022.

  7. Information Sharing for Communal Areas: Responsible Persons in multi-occupied residential buildings must now provide residents with a more extensive list of “relevant fire safety matters,” including evacuation instructions, identified risks, and preventive measures.

  8. Updated Offenses and Fines: The Building Safety Act introduces higher fines for specific offenses, such as intentional impersonation of an inspector and non-compliance with inspector-imposed requirements. After October 1, 2023, unlimited fines may apply.

  9. Article 50 Guidance: Section 156 of the Building Safety Act reinforces the status of all Article 50 guidance, emphasizing its consideration in determining compliance with the Fire Safety Order.

  10. Importance of Fire Risk Assessment for Communal Areas: Recognizing the critical significance of fire risk assessments for communal areas is essential, ensuring the safety and well-being of all occupants in shared spaces.

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